As a non-partisan organization, JPEF提供信息,帮助个人跟踪和理解影响教育的问题. 

We encourage active engagement in the legislative process. 如果您对立法有任何关注、意见或问题,请 contact your legislators.

Legislation Taking Effect July 1

2023年的立法会议结束了,几项影响教育的法案得到了立法机构的批准,并由州长签署. Ron DeSantis. Here is a look at some of the bills:

HB 1 - School Vouchers

As described below, 该州扩大了教育券的使用范围,这样纳税人的钱就会跟着学生走,并适用于各种学习环境. 帮助家长了解他们的选择,并为孩子做出最好的决定, JPEF has created A Parent's Guide for Choosing a School. 

HB 1069 – Student Pronouns

该法案禁止教育工作者询问学生的代词是什么或与学生分享他们喜欢的代词,并表示,如果学生的代词不符合学生出生时的性别,学校员工和承包商不需要使用学生喜欢的代词. In addition, HB 1069指出,关于性取向或性别认同的指导不能在学前班到8年级进行th. 性节制是预防怀孕和艾滋病的首选方式, however, may still be taught to 6-12th graders.


HB 733 - School Start Times

In two years – no later than July 1, 2026年——佛罗里达州所有中学将不早于早上8点开始上课.m. and high school students will start no earlier than 8:30 a.m. This will apply to traditional public schools and charter schools, except for “charter schools in the workplace.”

SB 256 – Teachers Unions

Under this bill, 学区不能从教师支票中扣除工会会费, as they have historically; teachers have to sign up with unions and fill out forms for that to happen. 如果60%的教师不加入工会,工会就宣告解散. 该法案还增加了额外的审计要求,并允许州政府在涉嫌欺诈时对工会进行调查. 该法案目前是佛罗里达教育协会提起诉讼的主题, the United Faculty of Florida, 阿拉楚阿县教师工会和佛罗里达大学教师工会.

HJR 31- Partisan School Board Elections

这项拟议的宪法修正案将于2024年和2020年提交给选民, if approved, 会要求学校董事会的候选人宣布党派关系吗. 如果获得批准,第一次党派学校董事会选举将于2026年举行.


Duval County Public Schools Legislative Priorities 

在杜瓦尔县公立学校的立法优先事项中,有几项与教师认证程序有关. 佛罗里达和杜瓦尔县面临着全国最大的教学短缺之一, there is a need to address obstacles teachers face, while maintaining high standards for classroom instruction. 

JPEF对黑人男性和拉丁裔教师面临的障碍的研究支持了该地区的立法优先事项 regarding certification. 

  • 将专科学历考生临时认证期限由3年改为5年 providing teachers additional time to complete certification requirements. 

  • 延长参议院法案896(2022),该法案允许军人和退伍军人向辅助专业人员和攻读教育专业/未成年人申请5年60学分的临时教师证书 60 hours 大学学分和经验在全州教师严重短缺的情况下. 

JPEF’s original research 表明目前的认证过程对教师来说是一个障碍 remaining in the classroom. Additionally, 目前大约三分之二的DCPS黑人男性和拉丁裔教师通过传统学校以外的途径进入教学, 许多人在成为教师之前就已经在学校从事非教学工作. By fast-tracking these teacher candidates, 杜瓦尔县的学校可以解决教师短缺问题,增加教师的多样性. 

DCPS has identified literacy as a critical concern for Duval County, with less than 50% of third graders reading at or above grade level. Because literacy skills begin developing prior to children entering kindergarten, DCPS has identified the need for more funding for Pre-K programs. 

  • Provide 为全日制学前班提供资金,让每个家庭都能免费上幼儿园, public, high quality, 全日制课程,因为目前的3小时课程对于需要全天课程的家庭和孩子来说可能是一个障碍. 

JPEF’s research on literacy 作为READ的一部分,JAX支持这一立法优先事项.

Legislation Related to JPEF Priorities: 

For over a decade, JPEF的研究表明,薪酬是招聘和留住教师的关键因素之一. 

  • In a 2021 report, JPEF looked at the teacher retention rate for Duval County. While DCPS had an 84% retention rate, JPEF发现,由于区际转移,这一比率接近75%. 每位永久离开DCPS的教师要花费学区大约11美元,000 in hiring and training to replace, and for the 2018-19 Academic Year, the cost of all teacher turnover was approximately $12 million. 
  • 2018 JPEF report 这表明,对千禧一代来说,教学并不是一个有吸引力的职业. Between 2010 and 2014, 对教育专业感兴趣的高中毕业生比例下降了16%. One large factor was teacher salaries. The report recommended, among other things, attaching advancement and growth to increased teacher pay.
  • JPEF’s prior research on teacher reten研究表明,薪酬是教师决定去留的主要因素.


HB 271 - Minimum base salary for full-time teachers

这项立法将把12年级前全职教师的最低基本工资定为65美元,000 per year.

Status: First reading in the House on March 7

SB 342 - Minimum base salary for full-time teachers

这项被称为“拯救教师法案”的法案还将提高全职教师的最低基本工资, preK-12 grade teachers to $65,000.

Status: Introduced in the Senate on March 7

Other Active Legislation: 

This bill expands the 佛罗里达税收抵免奖学金和家庭赋权奖学金 provide public funding for any student enrolled in K-12 schools in Florida to use for private school tuition, tutoring, virtual school, certification tests, Advanced Placement exams, supplemental education materials and more. Students in foster care and students whose parents' income does not exceed 185% of the federal poverty level ($51,337.50 for a family of four) would continue to get priority. 第二优先将给予家庭收入在贫困的185%到400%(110美元)之间的学生,000 for a family of four).

Status: Signed by Gov. DeSantis, becomes effective July 1

More information:

Florida Public Policy Institute's analysis of HB 1

Associated Press: Governor signs bill expanding school voucher program

Tampa Bay Times: Florida now has vouchers for all: 5 things families need to know

To help parents make this important decision, JPEF has created A Parent's Guide for Choosing a School. You can view and download the document here.


这项决议要求学校董事会候选人宣布成立一个政党 run in partisan elections beginning in 2026. 

Status: In Senate Rules Committee as of March 27

Additional Resources:

Miami Herald article:  What to know about proposed K-12 education changes



